Options Consultation.

Many of the women who walk through our doors are not sure if they want to parent, adopt, or abort. Our client advocates are here to walk with the women and get to the heart of the issue, whether it be financial burdens, partner pressure, or feeling unprepared to have a baby.

Our heart at Woodbury Options for Women is to empower women, providing them with resources, support, and love - so abortion becomes unnecessary and unthinkable.

Women have three options: abortion, adoption or parenting.

Our specially trained client advocates help women explore their options and come to a decision that best aligns with her values. Through this process she may realize that abortion is not her only option. We help each woman see that even if she doesn’t have a strong support base at home, she’s got one right here at our center. No pressure, no judgement, just compassionate care and medically accurate information.



In 2017, there were 10,740 abortions performed in Minnesota. We provide women with medically accurate information on abortion. We always let her know that we do not perform or refer for abortions at our center. We will, however, help her explore her values, address her concerns, and love her where she’s at so she will have peace in making an informed decision.


There is a lot of misinformation about adoption and that is why some women are hesitant to consider this option. Birth mothers do not have to pay for any hospital or legal fees. The whole process costs them nothing. We also explain that as the birth mom, they can decide what kind of family will adopt her baby.



Sometimes women cannot imagine parenting for a number of reasons. Maybe they are too young, or they don’t have enough support. We explain all of the support and resources that she will have at WOFW, letting her know that parenting could be a viable option.


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